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Founder & CEO Harvest TV Networks

  Bibi George Chacko is a renowned name in the christian Media. He has proved his mark as a technician and coordinator in the industry since 1992. His wide technical knowledge includes Media works (both pre and post production), exceptional camera handling, crisp editing and outstanding visualization. He was also involved in imparting training and facilitation of media consultancy for churches and individual ministries. Bibi has the track record of visualization of more than 1700 Christian episodes spread across various channels, has the distinction of recording more than 100 Live Christian Musical events and held live coverage of about more than 200 crusades in India and abroad. Apart from these, Bibi has also been the producer of Christian musical albums and has smoothly conducted several large events, seminars and crusades to signify the Glory of God.

In the year 2005, Bibi George Chacko accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and Lord through a gospel sharing by Mr.Jayapalan, an auto driver. Later, Bibi had immersed baptism with the help of Pastor M. Poulose from Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu who is his spiritual Father. He is encouraged and helped in his work by his life partner, Siji Bibi . He has two siblings, Kc Ninan (Biju) Air India & Dr Chacko (Binu)Baltimore USA.

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The Harvest TV Network (HTN) is an international Christian-based broadcast television network and it is one of the world's largest religious television network other than TBN . Harvest TV Networks has Headquarters in Trivandrum, Kerala, India and the broadcaster will retain its Hub in USA, UAE and in KUWAIT.

Harvest TV Networks broadcasts programs hosted by a diverse group of Christian Ministries around the Globe. HTN also offers a wide range of original programs such as Bible studies, Christian News, Live Broadcast of Christian Events, Live Sunday worship, Live prayer time Testimonies Talk shows and faith-based films from various distributors.

HTN owns and operates Five broadcast networks, each reaching separate demographics; in addition to the main Harvest TV network, HTN owns Harvest USA ,Harvest Keralam, Harvest Arabia ,Harvest English ,

Bibi George Chacko serves as HTN Founder ,CEO and head of operations and his life Partner Siji Bibi as the Head of Administration and Accounts .



Golden Rule International Award by iChangeNations International Award

  Bibi has received the Golden Rule award from the African ambassador Dr. Clyde Rivers at Capital Hills, Washington in 2015 November for his contribution to media ministry. Bibi also received the credential to cover the private funeral service of Billy Graham, Billy Graham Parkway | Charlotte, NC 28201. Billy Graham died at age 99 on Feb. 21/2018. His funeral service held under a massive tent at the Billy Graham Library in his hometown of Charlotte drew more than 2,000 guests, including President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, governors, senators, religious leaders, celebrities and long-time Graham family friends. Harvest TV was the one and only media from India.

Bibi George Chacko Harvest tv

Letter From Bibi George Chacko

Dear Friend,

Many of us spend our entire lives in building a secure and a comfortable environment. But the moment we leave this earth, we will come to know that whatever we have achieved on this earth was all in vain. Instead if we put our efforts in fulfilling the desire’s of our Lord Jesus Christ, we WILL be rewarded.

When we stand in front of our God on the judgment day and hear the cries of our beloved ones, our neighbours, friends, grocer, colleagues, house maids etc… Won’t we regret our deeds and actions and think about the opportunities that we missed out– “Oh, I could have shared the Gospel to him/her; I shouldn’t have felt shy, afraid or busy to tell him about our Lord Jesus Christ.” How will we face God? Will we be able to give an account to God for them? Or what if God would ask us our life instead of them!! Shouldn’t we think seriously about our responsibilities? You might ask “How can I be responsible for the lost souls around me?”

TheBook of Ezekiel33:7 & 8 says “Son of man, I have appointed you as a watchman …. Listen to what I say, and warn them for me. If I say to a wicked person, ‘….You will certainly die,’ and you say nothing to warn him to change his ways. That wicked person will die because of his sin and I will hold you responsible for his death”. Time is running out and therefore we ought to make use of every single minute and every opportunity to save the drowning people from the eternal devastation. Our desire should be to say, “When I go to heaven, I don’t want to meet my Lord empty handed and I want to take hundreds of souls to Christ”.

Jesus has paid His life as price for the same. Are we willing to carry his mission?. Every effort we take to proclaim His word will be rewarded by our Lord – says in Revelation 22:12 “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done” May the Lord grant the reward to us bountifully at HIS coming and May our lives be pleasing to HIM. Let these words of the Bible strengthen each of us to fulfil the desire and purpose of our creation by our creator GOD Almighty for Building His Kingdom through our daily life and saving the lives of our fellow men of this world.

The vision of Harvest TV is to reach every home, every ethnic group and every land with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.We, at Harvest Television & Productions, want the nation to receive the Good news of Jesus Christ. Do join and partner with us to arise and pray for proclamation the Gospel to the untold multitudes. Let’s make sure that we do not regret when we get to heaven. Therefore let’s do our very best to reach the people in our immediate areas with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We call for your incessant prayers and support towards our endeavor to spread the Gospel to the unreached.


Yours brother in Christ Jesus

Bibi George Chacko

© 2023 by Harvest Television Networks. 

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